Latest Sermon
Pastor Dave Hoffman challenges us to share the gospel.
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about what we can learn from the prayer of Jabez.
Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about the importance of honor.
Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about the importance of prayer.
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about the forces in our lives that keep us from changing.
Pastor Dave Hoffman shares how as Christians, we live in an unfriendly culture much like the Christians in Corinth did.
Pastor Mark Hoffman reminds us that God wants us to be focused on His purposes and promises, not afraid of the storm that we find ourselves in.
Pastor Neil Hoffman helps us to understand what we can be sure of.
Pastor Jim Deyling talks about God’s laws for governing.
Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about how our view of the world is affected by what is influencing us.
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about how we need to have a “defining the relationship” talk with God.
Pastors Dave and Mark Hoffman team up to talk about the state of the church.